Hemorroid Treatments

hemorroid treatments picHemorroid treatments can give quick and effective relief from discomfort and other problems associated with hemorroids when acted as early as its symptoms appear. There are now various prescription drugs as well as over-the-counter medicines available currently for hemorroid treatmenst. There are also alternative therapies for hemorroid treatment that can give you safe and long lasting results which includes homoeopathic and herbal medicines, dietary supplements and home made remedies . So there is no reason why you cannot treat your hemorroid before it becomes worst.

But what is hemorroid by the way? Hemorroids are the network of veins around the anus area. The condition known as hemorroids occurs when these veins enlarge and distend usually caused by straining or pressure. The two types of hemorroids are internal and external. Internal hemorroids usually do not cause much pain and rarely itch while external hemorroids are the type of hemorroid that tends to cause burning, itching, and/or pain. Symptoms of hemorroid usually include blood in the stool, in the toilet, or on bath tissue after using the bathroom, or a vague pain in the anus after defecating. Also, itching, burning, or pain in the region may indicate a case of hemorroids.

Because of this irritating symptoms brought by hemorroids, appropriate hemorroid treatments are necessary. But most commonly, hemorroid treatments may require nothing more than home treatment and lifestyle changes, which mainly involves establishing healthy bowel habits and simple changes to healthy diet. But if you need instant relief from pain, itching and swelling brought by your hemorroid, try the following:

• Apply a hemorroidal cream or suppository to the affected area as directed.
• Use ice packs, which can reduce swelling from painful hemorroid.
• Soak in a warm bath or "sitz" bath (sitting in three inches of water) for 10 minutes a few times a day.

You can talk to your doctor about your hemorroids and ask for any hemorroid treatment during your next visit. And to encourage better bowel movements, your doctor may suggest some initial lifestyle changes, such as increasing your fiber and fluid intake and exercise. If these changes do not help; your doctor may suggest one of the following types of hemorroid treatment:

A fiber laxative.
• A stool softener.

Fiber is the part of a plant that can't be digested. It adds bulk to keep other foods moving through the digestive system and it holds water which, in turn, softens the stool for easy elimination. Fiber laxative and stool softeners should be used only as directed. And take note that different hemorroid treatments work in different ways so let your doctor choose the best one for you.

Although in many cases hemorroid treatments involves steps that you can take on your own but sometimes medications or surgical procedures are necessary as your best way as your hemorroid treatment. These includes:

Medications Creams

If your hemorroids are producing only mild discomfort, your doctor may suggest over-the-counter hemorroid creams, ointments or pads containing witch hazel or a topical anti-inflammatory agent containing hydrocortisone. This local hemorroid treatment, in combination with daily warm baths, may relieve your hemorroid symptoms.

Surgical or other procedures

If a blood clot has formed within an external hemorroid, your doctor can easily remove the clot with a simple incision, which may provide prompt relief. But for persistent bleeding or painful hemorroids, your doctor may recommend these following hemorroid treatments:

  • • Rubber band ligation. Your doctor places one or two tiny rubber bands around the base of an internal hemorroid to cut off its blood circulation and the hemorroid falls off. This simple procedure - called rubber band ligation - is done in the doctor's office and is effective hemorroid treatment for many people. To remove a hemorroid using rubber band ligation, your doctor inserts the ligator through a scope in the anal canal, grasping the hemorroid with forceps. Sliding the ligator's cylinder upward releases rubber bands around the base of the hemorroid. Rubber bands cut off the hemorroid's blood supply, causing it to wither and drop off.
  • • Sclerotherapy. In this procedure, your doctor injects a chemical solution around the blood vessel to shrink the hemorroid.
  • • Infrared light. A one- or two-second burst of infrared light cuts off circulation to small, bleeding, internal hemorroids.
  • • Stapling. This procedure, which blocks blood flow to hemorroidal tissue, is a relatively new hemorroid treatment technique. While some experts point out that this procedure involves less pain than surgery and allows an earlier return to work, there are drawbacks as well. Stapling has been associated with a greater risk of hemorroidal recurrence and prolapse compared with open surgery. Talk with your doctor about what might be the best hemorroid treatment option for you.
  • • Surgery. If other procedures haven't been successful or if you have large hemorroids, your doctor can remove tissue in a procedure called hemorroidectomy. The surgery is done with either a local anesthetic combined with sedation, a spinal anesthetic, or a general anesthetic. Hemorroid surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis or you may require an overnight hospital stay. While you may experience discomfort after the procedure, medications can be used to relieve your pain. Soaking in a warm bath also can ease your discomfort.
You can also take the following steps to reduce your risk of having hemorroids thus avoiding unnecessary and time consuming hemorroid treatments. Try follow these easy steps:
• Eat more fiber and drink plenty of fluids. This will help soften stools and promote regular elimination, which reduces straining thus avoiding the causes of such hemorroid.
• Go when you feel the urge to have a bowel movement. Delaying now can mean straining later.
• Don't stay long on the toilet. Sitting and straining too long encourages swelling.
• Wipe gently with soft, white unperfumed tissue. This helps keep the area clean to avoid irritation.
• Exercise regularly; which aids digestion and improves circulation.

Take note that complications of untreated hemorroid are - bleeding, infection, prolapse, strangulation, necrosis and gangrene. Painful bleeding usually indicates startup of complications.

So do not delay. Let your hemorroid be treated as early as its symptoms shows. Don’t be shy if you have that condition. You just don’t know that the number of people who hemorroid are now increasing due to poor eating habits and changes of lifestyle. You cant talk with your family regarding your shameful condition, talk directly to your doctor as he can help you. Your doctor can give you right hemorroid treatment.