Hemorroid Symptoms

hemorroids symptoms| symptoms of hemorroidHemorroids symptoms are one of the very discomforting condition you will ever experienced if you have hemoroids. Just imagine if your in public places or in any very solemn environment then hemorroid symptoms will attack , how are you going to deal with that shameful condition? Therefore early recognition of hemorroids symptoms should be given importance to come up with early hemorroid treatment.

Although hemorroid is quite embarrassing topic to discuss, it is also a very common issue that is untold. At age 50, about half of adults have had to deal with the uncomfortable feeling of itching, bleeding and pain which are the common symptoms of hemorroids. But good to know, that there are now many available effective hemeriod treatments existing in our market, and for some only requires basic home remedies to get rid of hemorroid symptoms.

Hemorroids Symptoms may vary from person to another, and usually depends on what type of hemorroid and where it is located. Although many people have hemorroids, not all of them experienced symptoms of hemorroids.

So in case there is no hemorroids symptoms such as pain or discomfort experienced, how will you know you have hemorroids? In most cases, bleeding or spotting of any blood in the stools or toilet tissue should immediately be referred to a doctor so the condition will be diagnosed properly. You need to have this checked to rule out the possibility of hemorroid symptoms.
Hemorroids symptoms usually disappears after a few days. And these hemorroids symptoms usually depends on the location where the hemorroids develop:

Hemorroids symptoms of Internal hemeriods. These hemorroids develops in the deeper portion of the anal canal and rectum where there are few nerve endings, the main reason why you mostly can't see or feel these hemeriods. The presence of blood on toilet paper or in the bowl during bowel movement is a common hemorroid symptoms. And because internal anal membranes lack pain-sensitive nerve fibers, these hemorroids usually don't cause discomfort. But because of straining or irritation from passing stool that can injure a hemorroids delicate surface thus causes it to bleed. Occasionally, straining can push an internal hemorroid through the anal opening. If a hemorroid remains displaced, it can cause pain and irritation. Rectal Bleeding and pain are most complained about. Internal hemorroid can be extremely painful, as they often protrude and can become thrombosed, or clotted. Another hemorroids symptom of internal hemorroids is the occurrence of mucus just like the occurrence of blood in your stool.

Hemorroids symptoms of External hemorroids. These external hemorroids appears on the outer rim of the anus and are usually the most uncomfortable hemorroids condition. These usually tend to be painful. Sometimes blood may pool in an external hemorroids and form a clot, causing severe pain, swelling and inflammation. Most common hemorroid symptoms of external hemorroids are itching, burning, and irritation. Streaks of blood may also appear on toilet paper after straining during bowel movements. You may also find it difficult to thoroughly cleanse the anal area.

Hemorroids symptoms for both internal hemorroids and external hemorroids are:

• Bleeding during bowel movements and the appearance of bright red blood on toilet paper after you strain to have a bowel movement is the number one hemorroid symptoms.
• Itching and burning are another hemorroids symptoms.
• The feeling of pain and swellings while cleaning your rectal area are also most common hemorroids symptoms.

Any hemorroids symptoms you noticed is recommended to have it consulted with your doctor for early hemorroid treatment. Although the amount of pain really depends on how bad your hemeriods are, and regardless of how small or big your hemorroid symptoms are it is advised that you have to deal with the problem as soon as possible. Hemorroids are not life-threatening but living with hemorroids is not really fun... it's uncomfortably painful... and not to mention, its embarrassing.

So to get rid of hemorroids symptoms, you can take these following advise:

• Eat high-fiber foods. You are advise to eat more fruits, vegetables and grains to help softens the stool and increases its bulk thus getting rid of any hemorroid symptoms.
• Drink plenty of liquids. Drink plenty of water or fluids a minimum of 8 glasses a day to get rid of hemorroids symptoms.
• Regular exercise. Stay active to reduce pressure on veins, which can occur with long periods of standing or sitting, and to help prevent constipation. Exercise can also help you lose excess weight thus helping you to get of hemorroids symptoms.

However if hemorroids symptoms still persist, you have to consult your physician for other hemorroid treatment or in worst cases to take hemorroid surgery.

Hemorroid Surgery

hemorroid surgery picHemorroids Surgery may become highly recommended and very necessary if the hemorroid symptoms become severe and the hemorroid condition becomes more chronic, or if your other hemorroids treatment are unsuccessful. And mostly if hemorroids become very enlarged, protrude from the anus , bleed frequently, or contain blood clots.

A number of hemorroids surgery methods may be used to remove or reduce the size of such hemorroids. Common practitioners will apply hemorroids surgery and other form of hemorroid treatments in such worst cases. These hemorroids surgery includes:

Hemorroidectomy. This kind of hemorroids surgery is commonly reserved for permanently prolapsed or protruding hemorroids, these are anal surgeries that are carried out under anesthesia and may require hospitalization after the process. When the hemorroids become to large and already protrude out of the anus most of the time, it might be a right time and be necessarily be cut off through a hemorroids surgery process called hemorroidectomy. In some cases it might not mean actual cutting off of pieces of hemorroids tissue from the anal walls, but just merely dissecting the swollen hemorroid to remove clotted blood and puss so that the hemorroid can eventually "dry" up with the help of other medication such as ointments and suppositories. Internal hemorroids usually can be destroyed by injecting them with a chemical substance, this is be necessary if internal hemorroids are prolapsed or very large.

Coagulation. This kind of hemorroid surgery is considered best for hemorroids that are still in its smaller shape. It involves the process of burning of hemorriods with the help of electric current or infrared light to burn off or shrivel the hemorroid tissue.. Continuous hemorroid treatment results in shrinkage and disappearance of hemorroid.

Rubber Band Ligation. Any qualified medical practitioner uses a rubber band to tie off the hemaroid at the root so that they wither off and die. By its very nature, this hemorroids surgery method of treatment cannot be applied in the early stages of the hemorroid since the hemorroids are still tiny. It is best suited for hemorroids that are already hanging out of the anus, or those that are seen and felt as big lumps outside the anal opening. This procedure is based on the fact that hemorroid thrive on regular blood supply. Therefore, if the blood supply is cut off, by tying the vessels that carry blood to the lumpy hemorroids, then this shortage and absence of this blood supply will see to it that the hemorroid will "starve to death", but it take a couple of weeks for the area to completely heal. This procedure is usually painful and may cause bleeding and because there are no nerve endings in the rectum, no anesthesia is necessary on this kind of hemorroid surgery.

Sclerotherapy. In sclerotherapy, a chemical solution or substance are injected around the blood vessel to shrink and destroy the hemorroidal tissue.

Fortunately, there are now various effective medicated hemorroids treatment and procedures that are readily available to treat hemorrhoids to avoid hemorrhoids surgery. In many cases this condition may require only self-care and lifestyle changes which includes the following:

    o Regular Sitz bath. This hemorroid treatment requires you to take regular warm bath and soaking your anus with warm water several times a day.
    o Putting an ice bag on the rectal area to help relieve swelling and chronic pain. Other uses cold compress especially with witch hazel or wet tea bags as hemorroid treatments.
    o Only pat to dry your rectal area. Do not wipe excessively. Patting with moist toilet pads or baby wipes after bowel movement can will help you in your hemorroid treatment. Do not scratch because this will worsen your hemorroid condition.
    o Clean y our rectal area regularly, applying hemorroid cream that contain hydrocortisone or numbing ointment to relieve you from pain, swelling and itching as your hemorroid treatment. But do not use anti-itching creams with anesthetic because it can often cause further anal irritation.
    o Most people also use bulk fiber supplements daily to prevent recurrences of their hemorroids. But bulk fiber may take several days to work so if you have existing hemorroid and you are already suffering from constipation, you may use an immediate-acting stool softener and laxative as hemorroids treatments to encourage fast elimination without straining and further aggravating your hemorroids.
Hemorroid Surgery causes severe pain and new techniques are still being investigated for pain free removal of hemorroids. Depending on the severity of your hemorroid case, hemorroid surgery may be performed by giving local or general anesthesia, the healing takes place after a period of 3 to 4 weeks. And take note that rare patients who undergone hemorroid surgery claims that hemorroids reoccurred even after they have gone the procedure.

Therefore, for you to not experience the pain of hemorroid surgery and only to find out it will just reoccur, it is best for you to have it prevented before it becomes worst. Make it a habit to add fibrous foods and fruits in your daily diet. Increase your fluid intake a minimum of 8 glasses a day to avoid constipation as one of the major cause of hemorroid.

However, it is best recommend that hemorroid surgery be used only as your last line of defense against hemorroid because most hemorriods can be treated and cured with more conservative and other home remedies. But for others who did not respond to home remedies, hemorroid surgery is advised.

External Hemorroids

external hemorroids picExternal hemorroids occur outside the rectum, around the anus. External are often more painful than internal hemorroids because the skin around them is very sensitive. Basically, all swellings or protruding masses at or near the anal opening are considered to be external hemorroids. These are easy to detect. You will have a sensation that there is something just outside your anus and when you touch the area, you will actually feel them. It will feel like a swollen lump protruding from your anus. Sometimes external hemorroids are bothersome protrusions, which make hygiene difficult.

External hemorroid sometimes develop a clot inside of them, often after a period of chronic diarrhea or constipation. In that case, it produces a firm and painful swelling or lump around the rim of the anus. Hemorroids are a very common health problem, affecting mostly old people. You are more likely to develop hemorroids if you eat a low-fiber diet, who drinks less fluids and don't get enough exercise, which can lead to repeated episodes of constipation and straining bowel movements.

These hemorroids occur when the vein walls collapse, usually caused by too much toilet pushing. Too much pushing causes the vein walls to weaken, until they collapse. The vein then fills up with blood, and hence the hemorroids feel and look all puffed up.

Sometimes external hemorroids ruptures and slight bleeding occur. You might notice bright red blood on the toilet paper after straining to pass a stool. In rare cases, a vein inside an external hemorroid breaks. Blood may pool under the skin, forming a hard, painful lump. This is called a thrombosed, or clotted hemorroid. Thrombosed external hemorroids are caused by blood pooling in a distended vein and forming a clot, or thrombus, in the outer region of the anus. These particular hemorroids usually cause a great deal of pain, as well as some swelling and itching, but they don’t bleed.

External hemorroid can also create problems with personal hygiene. The excess skin that remains after an acute thrombosis is usually the cause of these problems. This excess perianal skin from external hemorroid requires more attention to be paid when cleansing the area to make sure that all of the skin folds have been tended to.

There are different types of hemorroids, depending on their location, severity, and the amount of pain, discomfort, or aggravation they cause. These are:

Internal: Internal hemorroids are located inside the rectum and are usually painless, especially if located above the anorectal line. But sometimes tend to bleed due to too much .
External: External hemorroids also known as "piles", an old-fashioned term to describe external hemorroids. These develop soft lump under the skin at the opening of the anal cavity. When an external hemorroid swells, the tissue in the area becomes firm but sensitive and turns blue or purple in color. Sometimes, a condition known as thrombosed hemorroids can occur; in this case, a blood clot develops and the lump becomes hard. External hemorroids are usually painful, as the tissue around the anus is densely covered with nerve endings.

The signs and symptoms of hemorroids vary from person to person, and are dependant upon the classification of hemorroid. Keep in mind that the signs and symptoms listed below may be an indicator of a more severe, underlying deficiency.

Internal Hemorroids: Rectal Bleeding and pain are regularly complained about. Internal hemorroids can be extremely painful, as they often protrude and can become thrombosed, or clotted. Mucus is also another indicator of Internal hemorroids, as is blood upon your stools or in the toilet.
External Hemorroids: Symptoms of external hemorrhoids are sever pain and swelling, hard lumps around the anus. The lump may have blue or purple tint. Other common symptoms of external hemorrhoids are itching. This is caused by mucous leaking from the anus. Burning sensation, and irritation are also one external hemorroids symptoms. Also the urge to continually want to go to the toilet is a very irritating occurrence. Eventually you give in and will be forced to go on the toilet from this irresistible urge. It seems that every time you go to the toilet, you get relief, from your hemorroids.But behind the scene what you actually doing is making the situation worse, by pushing. Streaks of blood may also appear on toilet paper after straining during bowel movements. You may also find it difficult to thoroughly cleanse the anal area.

If you are suffering from external hemorroids s or want to avoid re occurrence of external Hemorroid, it is always advisable to follow healthy dietary tips.

    o Eat high-fiber foods. Eat more fruits, vegetables and grains. By doing this it softens the stool and increases its bulk, which will help lessen the straining that can cause your external hemorroids
    o Drink plenty of liquids. At least a minimum 6 -8 glasses a day also helps in preventing constipation thus lowers the risks of having external hemoroids.
    o Consider fiber supplements. You can ask advise from your doctor for any stool softeners. This can give you relief from external hemorroid or getting the possibility of having hemorroids.
    o Change bowel habits. Respond to the urge to defecate and stay relaxed to avoid straining to avoid bleeding of your external hemorroid.
    o The best way to prevent external hemorroids is to keep stools soft so they pass easily, thus decreasing pressure and straining, and to empty bowels as soon as possible after the urge occurs.
The best way to prevent from having painful external hemorrhoids is to prevent that causes hemorroids through change of lifestyle including healthy diet. As saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Preventing the recurrence of hemorroids requires relieving the pressure and straining of constipation. Doctors will often recommend increasing fiber and fluids in the diet. Eating the right amount of fiber and drinking six to eight glasses of pure, filtered water result in softer, bulkier stools. A softer stool makes emptying the bowels easier and lessens the pressure on hemorrhoids caused by straining. Eliminating straining also helps prevent the hemorroids from protruding.

However if home remedies are observe and practice daily it can make the need for hemorroid surgery unnecessary. But if discomfort and pain still persist and blood occurrence in your stool is still noticeable, it is highly advice to consult your physician and get it investigated and give proper hemorroid treatment.

Treatment for Hemorroids

treatment for hemorroids|hemorroid treatments picTreatment for Hemorroids are aimed to relieve pain and discomfort suffered by an individual. There are many natural treatment for hemorroids that require simple steps that you can do on your own, which are also effective to ease discomfort. This treatment for hemorroid includes herbal and homeopathic remedies which contain natural ingredients and are gentle to use.

Treatment for Hemorroids should be given first priority if you already notice some hemorroids symptoms to give quick relief and recovery and to avoid discomfort and other problems associated with Hemorroids . This uncomfortable problem involves the swelling of the veins of the rectum and anus. This is because veins in the rectal area becomes overloaded with blood and that leads the walls to stretch thus results to bleeding, pain, itching and burning feeling therefore careful treatment for hemorroids is highly recommended.

There are also various treatment for hemorroids. Prescription drugs as well as over-the-counter medicines that are now instantly available to sooth pain. There are alternative therapies as treatment for hemorroids that can give you safe and long lasting results. These includes dietary supplement, home made remedies, homoeopathic and herbal medicines. And this treatment for hemorroids may only require simple steps in which you can do on your own. But of course, doctors would recommend the right medication or procedures when the need arises or when hemorroids worsens – medications such as hemorroid suppositories, ointments, pads and hemorroids cream. Doctors may also recommend rubber band litigation, sclerotherapy, hemorroid surgery, and stapling for other cases wherein the hemorroid are too painful to bear or are persistently bleeding.

However, even without hemorroid treatments applied, hemorroids sometimes may heal on their own and there are also some things you can do to speed up the healing process and spare yourself from long suffering hemorroids contributed. But only if your hemorroid is still bearable you can try these following treatment for hemorroids that you can perform at home that may keep your hemorroid from getting worse:

    o Regular Sitz bath. This treatment for hemorroids requires you to take regular warm bath and soaking your anus with warm water several times a day.
    o Putting an ice bag on the rectal area to help relieve swelling and chronic pain. Other uses cold compress especially with witch hazel or wet tea bags as your treatment for hemorroids.
    o Only pat to dry your rectal area. Do not wipe excessively. Patting with moist toilet pads or baby wipes after bowel movement will help you as your treatment for hemorroid. Do not scratch because this will worsen your hemorroid condition.
    o Clean y our rectal area regularly, applying hemorroids cream that contain hydrocortisone or numbing ointment to relieve you from pain, swelling and itching as your treatment for hemorroids. But do not use anti-itching hemorrhoids cream with anesthetic because it can often cause further anal irritation.
    o Most people also use bulk fiber supplements daily to prevent recurrences of their hemorroids. But bulk fiber may take several days to work so if you have existing hemorroid and you are already suffering from constipation, you may use an immediate-acting stool softener and laxative as treatment for hemorroids to encourage fast elimination without straining and further aggravating your hemorroids..
    o You can try donut pillow. This will take off direct pressure from the anus avoiding your hemorroid to be pressed.
    o Use of laxative. You can use this during your treatment for hemorroid because this can add softness of your hard stool thus you can avoid straining during your bowel movement.
    o Increase fiber in your diet . Adding fiber in your everyday meal will help soften hard stool and helps the body produce soft, regular bowel movements thus alleviate hemorroid pain therefore reduces pain while defecating while having your hemmrroid treatment.
    o Take plenty of liquids in your daily diet. As much as possible take a minimum of 7 to 9 glasses of water a day. If any one is having bowel disorders this can lead to hemorroids. Because of this many prominent people and physicians stress the importance of taking much water for rapid recovery as one your treatment for hemorroid.
    o Losing weight and being more active will provide treatment for hemorroid treatment. Reduce your salt intake as much as possible.
    o Be gentle while cleaning and don’t scratch if you feel itch. It is advisable for you to use moist pads or baby wipes while having your hemorroid treatment.
    o Wear loose cotton underwear to prevent moisture buildup, which can irritate hemorroid.
    o Try not to sit or stand for a long period time when hemorroids are irritated or try to sit with pillow if you cannot have short breaks to stand. And avoid lifting heavy objects while your doing your treatment for hemorroid treatment.
However, if the above treatment for hemorroids does not alleviate your pain and swelling , it is more recommended to seek for physicians advice for proper treatment for hemorroids. The process of treatment for hemorroids is not a fun one, but as long as you take the issue seriously and get yourself treatment for hemorroids as soon as possible, then you should be able to relieve yourself of the painful hemorroids condition promptly.

Hemorroid Relief

hemorroid relief|relief for hemorroids picHemorroid relief is basically aimed to sooth, reduce and relieve the pain which hemorroids brings. Hemorroid Relief is very important especially if your hemorroids becomes painful and starts bleeding. Although majority of hemorroid cases does not require any hemorroid treatment - unless they become very painful and starts bleeding. Normally consumption of any laxative or stool softeners may give hemorroids relief from the strained bowel movements. Fiber also retains water and adds to the bulk, softness, and weight of stool - all factors in easing strain. However severe and bleeding hemorroids requires intensive hemorroid treatments to avoid further discomfort and pain

When talking about how to deal with your hemorroid flareups, there are several basic options which can give you good hemorroid relief. You can either choose to go with more conventional methods of hemorroid treatment, which would include prescription, medications and medicines, or you can go the opposite route, and opt to use all natural or herbal products for hemorroids relief.

Although most hemorroids heal on their own without high level of hemorroid treatments, there are some things you can do to speed up the healing process and spare yourself from long hemorroid suffering. For chronic hemorroid sufferers, the following may help you reduce the symptoms of hemorroids and offers you hemorroid relief.

Here are few Hemorroids relief in which you can try at home:

    • Apply hemorroid creams.There are various over-the-counter hemorroid creams containing witch hazel, hydrocortisone or other anti-inflammatory agents that can help reduce swelling and offers hemorroid relief to those who are badly suffering from hemorroids. Hemorroid cream usually contains active ingredients that go directly to the main problem thus providing immediate soothing hemorroids relief.
    • Take a sitz bath. Fill your bathtub with just enough warm water to cover the anal area. Do this regularly, several times a day, especially after having bowel movement. Soak for about 15 minutes at a time. This is one common hemorroid relief ever recommended.
    • Use ice packs or cold compress to numb your hemoroid and help reduce swellings thus you will obtain hemorroids relief
    • Moist wipes. Wiping with moist wipes or moist toilet pads can also reduce and prevent continued irritation of the rectal area thus gives hemorroid relief.
    • Apply petroleum jelly to the affected area for a limited period to relieve the itch and pain and to make bowel movement less painful and can give you temporary hemorroid relief.
    • Do not scrub the anal area excessively, especially with harsh or perfumed soap because it can intensify the irritation thus will not give you hemorroid relief.
    • Use acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin to get hemorroid relief.
    • Zinc oxide lotion. Many people find kind of lotion such as that in diaper rash medicines, to be very relieving. They’ll help reduce the pain and swelling very quickly.
    • Aerosol treatments are also good with their numbing properties.
    • Take oral medications. You can use acetaminophen, spirin or ibuprofen for temporary hemorroid relief.
    • Sitting and standing for long hours is not advisable .Make it a point to lie down and take a rest as often as you can or take a walk for five minutes after every hour.
    • Exercise regularly.
    • Increase your intake of fiber such as fruit, whole grains and vegetables into your diet to soften your stool during your bowel movement thus giving you hemorroids relief.
    • Drink at least six to eight glasses of water daily for softer, bulkier stools
    • Wear cotton underwear and loose clothing to avoid irritation and discomfort
    • Keep the anal area clean. Bathe or shower daily to cleanse the skin around your anus gently with warm water. Soap isn't necessary because it may aggravate the hemorroids problem. Gently drying the area with a hair dryer after bathing can minimize moisture, which can cause irritation
Alternative hemorroid relief can also give you safe and long lasting results. These alternative therapies include homoeopathic and herbal remedies which contain natural ingredients and are gentle and safe to use without the risk of the users. Herbs such as Aloe ferox act as a natural stool softener and are a gentle remedy for constipation, which is one major causes of hemorroids quite often. Passiflora incarnata is also one of nature's most well-regarded carminatives, and helps to provide hemorroids relief and ease muscle tension during bowel movement. Others are dietary supplements, herbal medicines and herbal creams that can assist with the itching, inflammation, and for hemorroid relief.

There are many natural hemorroids self-care measures that can help alleviate and serve as effective, gentle hemorroid treatments and provide hemorroid relief. This hemorroid relief can be found in over-the-counter meds such as hemorroid creams or suppositories. One may also find hemorroid relief and cure in herbal or natural form Topical anesthetics and suppositories that help relieve pain. Your doctor may also prescribe acetaminophen or aspirin to give you hemorroid relief.

Another common treatment for hemorroid relief especially for large internal hemorroids that do not respond to injection is to tie them with rubber bands that make the veins to wither off without pains. Usually this is done one hemorroid at a time and repeated once a fortnight. Alternatively the internal hemorroid may also be treated by a laser or electrical current. All of these are basically recommended to give hemorroid relief for those who suffer greatly on hemorroids

Early diagnosis and treatment of hemorroids can give quick and effective hemorroid relief from discomfort and other problems associated with Hemorroids. And for those people that have hemorroids that do not heal on their own and does not respond to any hemorroids relief, it is recommended that you seek physician whenever you experience hemorroids symptoms for appropriate hemorroids treatment immediately so to end your discomfort for good.

Failure to prevent hemorroids from getting worse or give any hemorroid relief will result in to a need for outpatient surgery for most severe hemorroids cases. Normally surgical intervention is made only if all other hemorroid treatments fail to give any relief for those who suffer because surgery causes severe pain, and new techniques are still being investigated for pain free removal. And any occurrence of bleeding may be a sign of something more serious and should be checked by physician as soon as possible for immediate hemorroid treatment.

Internal Hemorroids

internal hemorroids picInternal hemorroids – a type of hemorroid in which the vein walls have collapse and the hemorroid is filled up with blood. Internal hemorroids is barely noticeable and cannot be felt because everything takes place inside, internally. And because internal anal membranes lack pain-sensitive nerve fibers, these internal hemorroids usually don't cause discomfort. And that is basically the reason that internal hemorroids doesn’t hurt that much because they have not come into contact with air and outside pressure unlike external hemorroids. But straining or irritation from passing stool can injure a hemorroid's delicate surface and cause it to bleed, and that’s the time internal hemorroid becomes painful. Or if the hemorroids remains outside the anus, it can cause pain, itching, bleeding and results to formation of excess skin or what we called skin tags.

Internal hemorroids basically develop inside the passageway of the anus above the dentate line. Internal hemorroids often are small, swollen veins in the wall of the anal canal. But this small hemorroid can become large, sagging veins that bulge out of the anus all the time. This internal hemorroid can only be painful if they bulge out and are pressed when sitting for a longer period . But this may also be very painful if the blood supply to the hemorroid is cut off.

Painless bleeding and protrusion during bowel movements are the most common symptom of internal hemorroids. Usually you will notice small amounts of bright ,streaking red blood on your toilet paper or on the toilet In addition, excessive straining, rubbing and cleaning with harsh toilet papers around the anus may cause irritation with bleeding and/or itching, which may produce a vicious cycle of internal hemorroid symptoms.

Other symptoms of internal hemorroids may include:

    • Itching - a frequent complaint, because internal hemorroids often seep mucus that causes itching.
    • Skin irritation due to large bulging hemorroids in the anus that may secrete mucus, causing mild irritation
    • Discomfort - This uncomfortable feelings are caused by the bulging of the hemorroids in the end portion of the large intestine. You often have the feeling of urge even after your bowel movement. Mostly, the larger the hemorroids , the greater the discomfort.
Internal hemorroids can also be assessed and be treated according to :

    o First-degree internal hemorroids do not bulge from the anus.
    o Second-degree internal hemorroids bulge from the anus during bowel movements but go back into the anus afterward on their own.
    o Third-degree internal hemorroids bulge from the anus during bowel movements, but they can be pushed back into the anus.
    o Fourth-degree internal hemorriods may bulge outside the anus all the time.
If you are suffering from internal hemorroids or want to avoid reoccurrence of internal Hemorroid, it is always advisable to follow healthy dietary tips.

    o Eat high-fiber foods. Eat more fruits, vegetables and grains. By doing this it softens the stool and increases its bulk, which will help lessen the straining that can cause your internal hemorroids
    o Drink plenty of liquids. At least a minimum 6 -8 glasses a day also helps in preventing constipation thus lowers the risks of having internal hemorroids.
    o Consider fiber supplements. You can ask advise from your doctor for any stool softeners. This can give you relief from internal hemorroids or getting the possibility of having hemorroids.
    o Change bowel habits. Respond to the urge to defecate and stay relaxed to avoid straining to avoid bleeding of your internal hemorroid.
    o The best way to prevent internal hemorroids is to keep stools soft so they pass easily, thus decreasing pressure and straining, and to empty bowels as soon as possible after the urge occurs.
Although most internal hemorroids are not painful, large hemorroids that are bulging from the anus may become very painful if they swell and are pressed and squeezed by the muscles that control the anus during bowel movement. This internal hemorroid that protrude outside the anus, where mostly they appear like a small, grape-like masses are most likely to cause severe pain. Because Internal Hemmorroids often protrude and clot thus it also requires internal hemorroids treatment to alleviate the pain or to avoid from getting worse. Severe pain may be a sign that the blood supply to the hemorroid is being cut off thus hemorroid treatment is needed if pain persist.

Treatment for internal hemorroids include laser coagulation, injection sclerotherapy, rubber band ligation, infrared photocoagulation, and the hemorrhoidectomy. In severe cases of internal hemorroid usually suggests to undergo hemorroid surgery. However if home remedies are observe and practice daily it can make the need for hemorroid surgery unnecessary. But if discomfort and pain still persist and blood occurrence in your stool is still noticeable, it is highly adviced to consult your physician and get it investigated because sometimes bleeding may not be due to internal hemorroids but to other serious internal illness.

Bleeding Hemorroids

bleeding hemorroids|hemorrhoids picBleeding hemorroids. Well, literally and simply means bleeding hemeriods. And therefore its really very painful. In this case, hemorroids can ooze fresh streaking red blood, either your hemorroid is located externally or internally. If its external bleeding hemorroids, this often cause dripping of blood from the anus while sitting on the toilet during your bowel movement. The blood might also be seen as soiling of your underwear. In Internal bleeding hemorroids, fresh bloods may visibly seen on your stool. hemorroids are a very common condition. It has been estimated that 10% of the entire population have hemorroids especially reaching at age 50. If left untreated, hemorroid condition may become worst thus adding such serious problems.

A bleeding hemorroid is one of the worst scenarios a hemorroid can give. Therefore it must be carefully evaluated by a qualified physician to give immediate hemorroid treatment before the condition becomes more serious. Bleeding hemorroids are considered to be the most terrible form of hemorroids . For those who suffer from bleeding hemorroids for the first time, it can be scary, shocking bloody experience because of too much pain and pressure in addition to a very bloody scene due to the hemorroid walls that can no longer hold - so it bursts.

Bleeding hemorroids can be either internal or external hemorroid and it is more common than you think. Hemorroids are enlarged and inflamed veins in the lower rectum and anus. They can become irritated, engorged with blood and swell, causing itching and bleeding. This sometimes occur outside the anus and can be seen, it is called as external hemorroid and if it will occur inside the rectum and cannot be seen, it is called internal hemorroid.

If you are suffering from that painful bleeding hemorroids, don’t worry because you are not alone. Lots of people nowadays are suffering from this uncomfortable and annoying hemorroid condition, mostly affecting their ordinary routine lifestyle. They’re just silent about it because they just don't want others know they have hemorroids.

Bleeding hemorroids is caused by blockage of blood in the rectal area. The veins found in the rectal area started to get enlarge and reach to a point wherein they can no longer resist the pressure of the blocked blood thus resulted to oozing of fresh red blood in the stools, in the toilet bowl and toilet paper. Because when you sit, the veins is pressed that is why you experience pain in the rectum. This pressure on the veins results to a bleeding hemorroid.

Other common causes of bleeding hemorroids are:

    • very weak rectal vein walls and valves thus results to bleeding hemorroids
    • too much pressure on rectal veins due to poor muscle tone or posture such as prolonged sitting and standing without breaks
    • excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol
    • during childbirth of pregnant women.
In order for you to prevent worst outcome of your bleeding hemorroids, it will help if you include high fiber foods and fruits in your daily diet and increase fluid intake to soften your hard stool thus avoiding or reducing tendency of constipation. Since the condition of hemorroid almost always tends to get worse over the years, safe, gentle, and effective hemorroid treatment are advocated as soon as they occur. It is crucial for you then to seek help early so that your hemorroid condition will not get worse resulting to painful bleeding hemorroid. You should also look for various options for hemorroids treatment, whether conventional, herbal or traditional depending on your choice.

Usually, the bloody part is not the only thing you have to consider, but also the other hemorroid symptoms including the itch, swelling, and very painful defecation. Bleeding hemorroids can affect one's daily routine. Simple physical activities such as sitting, typing and driving will now become extremely difficult and painful. Fortunately, there are various hemorroid treatments for bleeding hemorroids that are now available. Although, there is no absolute answer as to which treatment work s best, because it all depends on your body and your hemorroid condition.

Therefore, whenever you notice symptoms of bleeding hemorroids, you should consult your physician for immediate hemmorroid treatment and further clinical investigation. Early hemorroid treatment will also give you early relief from the pains and discomfort cause by bleeding hemorroids. Never disregard blood occurrence in the stool. It may be sign of bleeding hemorroids.

Hemorroid Treatment

hemorroid treatments|treatment for hemorroids picHemorroid treatment is applied to ease the pain and discomfort of people who have hemorroids. Such hemorroid treatments are aimed mainly to relieve , alleviate and reduce pain and discomfort brought by this hemorroid condition. There are many natural and easy hemorroids treatment that are effective to ease discomfort. Other hemorroids treatment includes herbal and homeopathic remedies which contain natural ingredients and are gentle and safe to use . There are also a lot of hemorroid treatment which can help solve that ugly thing behind you. Which includes natural hemorroid self care measures that will help alleviate pain and offer hemorroid relief, at the same time gentle and effective.

Hemorroids refers to a condition in which the veins and tissues around the rectal area and anus becomes swollen, and can be irritating resulting to itchy, painful, and bleeding - thus hemorroid treatment is really needed to ease discomfort. By considering hemorroid treatments right away, you can stop that hemorroid condition before they get worst.

If you had already experienced having hemorroids before, then you already know that these unsightly things can bring severe pain and discomfort whicht could affect even the normal things you do. Unfortunately, hemorroids can develop in anyone regardless of sex and age and even if you have suffered from it before. Hemorroids are one of the most common conditions that affect about 5% of the entire population. The only easy thing about this is that hemorroids can also be treated on your own with various home remedies and hemorroid treatments.

In order to come up with effective hemorroid treatment, the best way to start is to find the causes of your hemorroids. After discovering the cause, then that's the time you select what hemorroid treatment best suits your hemorroid condition. Because the treatment of hemorroids itself is pointless if you keep re-creating them by doing such actions that can trigger your hemorroids.

Standard hemorroid treatment for different types of hemorroids involves several options, including prescription or over-the-counter medications and surgical procedures - which are often dependent upon the severity of the hemorroid condition. However, mild hemorroid condition can be treated by employing simple changes to a healthy fibrous diet and regular bowel habits. In most cases physician do not require hemorroid surgery or specialized treatments, unless they have become extremely painful. Nonsurgical procedures, also called fixative procedures, are goal based hemorroids treatment, where consistent application by the individual is necessary. These may include prescription medications, hemorroid cream, or suppositories. Only the severest of cases require hemorroid surgery. Again, like nonsurgical treatments, options for hemorroid surgical procedures depends upon the hemorroids condition.

Fortunately, there are now various effective medicated hemorroid treatments and procedures that are readily available to treat hemorroids. In many cases this condition may require only self-care and lifestyle changes which includes the following:

    • Sitz baths. This is done through soaking the rectal area in hot water regularly for 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times a day is a simple yet effective hemorroid treatment.
    • Choose hemorroid creams. Over-the-counter hemorroids treatment like medicated creams may provide hemorroid relief, though they won't really have a lasting effect on the cause of your hemorroids therefore it is only recommended as last resort in your hemorroid treatment. Though hemorroid creams are better than gels.
    • To shrink your hemorroid back down to normal size, topical medications are again useful. Pain medicine are mostly used for aching, but burning and itching respond best to surface-acting hemorroid creams and suppositories as hemorroid treatment.
    • Use ice packs. The numbing and bringing down of flare ups by applying ice or cold compress on the area for ten minutes is a simple way to lessen pain and swellings and should be applied several times per day.
    • Most people also use bulk fiber supplements daily to prevent recurrences of their hemorroids. But bulk fiber may take several days to work so if you have existing hemorroid and you are already suffering from constipation, you may use an immediate-acting stool softener and laxative as hemorroids treatments to encourage fast elimination without straining and further aggravating your hemorroids.
    • Only pat to dry your rectal area. Do not wipe excessively. Patting with moist toilet pads or baby wipes after bowel movement can will help you in your hemorroid treatment. Do not scratch because this will worsen your hemorroid condition.
    • You can try donut pillow. This will take off direct pressure from the anus avoiding your hemeroid to be pressed.
    • Laser surgery may be an option, which is a safer alternative. It is a less invasive procedure, is less painful, and carries less risk of infection.
However, mild hemorroids can be treated by simply changing to a healthy diet and regular bowel habits. And to prevent hemorroids from coming back, physicians recommends an increase in fiber in your daily diet. Good source of fibers are whole fruits, green leafy vegetables and whole grains in your diet. You can also increase fluid intake, a minimum of eight glasses a day for softer stool and bulkier and to avoid constipation. Keep your stool soft. A softer stool makes emptying the bowels easier and lessens the pressure on hemorroids caused by straining. Eliminating straining also helps prevent the hemorroids from protruding. Also include walking and regular exercise. Complying all this home remedies will facilitate your hemorroid treatment.

Although majority of hemorroid treatment nowadays already uses synthetic chemicals to alleviate the hemorroid pain and itching, but mostly this provides only temporary hemeoriods relief. Other hemorroid treatments are also not effective for some hemorroid sufferes. So in order to help you get rid of that hemorroid problem, just give time on doing natural home remedies on your own as your hemorroid treatment. Most herbal medicines are effective hemorroids treatments thus treating hemorroids symptoms. However you should give emphasis on avoiding things that causes of hemorroids. Some hemorroid causes include, straining for bowel movements, constipation, obesity, lack of exercise, dehydration, standing or sitting for longer period without breaks.

However if hemorroids still persist or are particularly still discomforting and troublesome, a more active type of hemorroids treatment is recommended. This may include injection with a special chemical to shrink hemorroids , or they may be destroyed by a freezing technique called cryosurgery. Doctors may also recommend rubber band litigation, sclerotherapy, and stapling for other cases wherein the hemorroids are too painful to bear or are persistently bleeding. Not to mention hemorroid surgery which will be the last resort for hemorroid treatment.

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Hemroids Treatment

Hemroids, commonly known as piles and often spelled hemorrhoids, is a skin condition characterized by swelling and inflammation of blood vessels (veins) in the rectal and anal area, and affects millions of people in the world, particularly those who are over 50 years of age and live in industrially developed countries. Hemorrhoids treatment is often required to eliminate the symptoms and pain associated with this condition.

The word hemroids actually refers to the cushions of tissues that join the rectum and the anus. These tissues are filled with blood vessels and the swelling of these vessels, more particularly the veins, has come to be known popularly as hemroids. Hemorrhoid treatment can range from topical hemorrhoid creams, oils and surgery. However, all natural essential oils are quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to effectively treat hemorrhoids.

Read more about a natural Breakthrough hemorrhoids treatment thats taking the medical world by storm!