Hemorroids Removal

hemorroids removal picHemorroids removal is a technique commonly used by many people to relieve them from the pain they experience of having hemorroid.

Hemorroids are simply expanded blood vessels due to too much pressure in the anal region. This can occur due to heavy lifting, constipation, sitting for a long time, and childbirth, to name a few causes. However, some people will have none of these conditions and still get hemorroids. A common cause of hemorroids is simply the standing position, in which all the blood above the rectum exerts pressure on the rectal and anal areas. Hemorroids are classified into two categories mainly:

• Internal hemorroids - These usually remain along the anal wall. You usually can't feel or see them, unless they break through the anus. This is known as a protruded or prolapsed hemorroid. Symptoms may include pain, bleeding, itching and a feeling of fullness after a bowel movement
• External hemorroids - These are small soft pads around the anal opening, the same color as your skin. When an external hemorroid forms a blood clot (thrombus), it can appear blue in color and cause severe pain, itching and inflammation.

Hemorroids removal may be recommended when nonsurgical treatment like fiber-rich diet, laxatives, stool softener, suppositories, medications, warm baths has not provided adequate relief from:
• Persistent itching • Anal bleeding • Pain • Blood clots (thrombosis of the hemorroids) • Infection

Hemorroids Removal methods

Natural supplements, alone or combined, are fast, safe, and proven effective in both treating hemorroids and helping with recovery after the surgical removal of hemorroids. Before you go for surgery I would recommend trying the natural supplements first before your hemorroid removal. In many cases they can help and completely cure you. This will save you a lot of money and pain.

There are also numerous treatments that are available, which can successfully remove symptomatic hemorroids. While topical ointments may reduce the discomfort associated with this condition, they will not actually remove the hemorroid problem. If you are suffering from chronic hemorroids, you may need to undergo a hemorroids removal procedure.

These procedures are typically performed right at a doctor's office or at a special clinic that handles hemorroids removal. While most can be done on an outpatient basis, more serious surgeries may involve being admitted into a hospital. Let's look at the variety of methods that can be used for hemorroid removal.

  • Banding - This is a common procedure of hemorroids removal that has been used for many years. A small band is placed around the hemorroid very tightly. This cuts off the blood supply to the hemorroid and it will begin to shrivel. After a few days, it will fall off and the patient can get on with the healing process. The procedure is virtually painless, and it is usually quite effective.
  • Infrared Coagulation (IRC) - This technique of hemorroids removal uses infrared light, which is used to coagulate the small vessels found in a hameriods, and so can be quite useful in smaller and less severe cases. This is generally performed in an office or an outpatient clinic, and is accompanied by minimal discomfort.
  • Hemorroidectomy. Hemorroids removal through direct surgical intervention is called a hemorroidectomy. The hemorroids are simply cut out. Hemorroid removal can be painful, particularly for the external variety. After surgery, pain is managed through home-treatment methods, such as drinking a lot of water and eating high-fiber foods to remain hydrated and stop constipation. Health professionals recommend that you take stool softeners that contain fiber to help make your bowel movements smooth. Straining during bowel movements can cause hemeriods to come back.
In the unusual circumstance when less invasive measures are inadequate to control a patient's symptoms, a surgical procedure may be required. These are more involved procedures, and are generally accompanied by more pain and disability, so they should be reserved for only the most serious cases. Make certain that you discuss the risks and benefits of these procedures with your physician prior to consenting to one of these surgical procedures for your hemorroid removal.
  • • Harmonic Scalpel Treatments - This type of hemorroid removal uses a special scalpel that operates with ultrasound waves. The scalpel is used to remove the hemorroid and the blood vessels are automatically cauterized. This is considered to be an almost bloodless procedure and is typically recommended for large hemorroids or for those that are very painful.
  • • Laser Therapy - This is very similar to harmonic scalpel treatments, but in this case, an actual laser beam will be targeted on the hemorroid. This type of hemorroids removal is growing in popularity, and is quite effective. The laser automatically cauterizes the area, and the nerves will be sealed off as well. This technique may be accompanied by a bit less pain than the typical surgical hemorroidectomy.
  • • Stapled Hemorroidectomy (PPH) - This technique utilizes a special stapling device that cuts through the involved vessels, and staples the tissue back together again. This also is associated with a bit less pain than a conventional hemorroidectomy, and is becoming more popular with many surgeons.
  • • Excising - An actual surgical removal of a hemorroid may be necessary. The hemorroid is cut away and the blood vessels are tied off. This procedure is a bit more painful than other types of hemorroid removal and the recovery time may be longer. However, it is very effective.
Hemorroids can be surgically removed while you are sedated and pain-free (local or spinal anesthesia) or deep asleep and pain-free (general anesthesia). After the hemorroid is removed, gauze packing is inserted to reduce bleeding.

However, smaller hemorroids may not require hemorroid surgery. Treatments for small hemorroids may only involve a chemical injection to reduce swelling or rubber band ligation to cut off the blood supply to the hemorroid. These procedures can often be done as an outpatient or office procedure with minimal or no anesthesia.

Take note also that you must have to take considerations of the risk of having hemorroids removal because of the anesthesia that is being applied which results to reactions to medications and problem for breathing. Another risk for having hemorroid removal surgery is bleeding and infection. Additional risks include possible narrowing (stricture) of the anus.

Although almost hemorroids removal outcome is usually very good in the majority of cases. Preventive measures such as adherence to a high fiber diet, and avoiding constipation must be taken to prevent recurrence.The patient may also experience considerable pain after surgery as the anus tightens and relaxes. Medications to relieve pain may be used. So to avoid straining, stool softeners will be used. Avoid any straining during bowel movement or urination. Soaking in a warm bath can bring additional comfort. Expect complete recovery from hemorroids removal in about 2 weeks.