Hemorroid Pain

hemorroid pain picHemorroid pain is one of the common symptoms if you have hemorroid. Hemorroids are simply a painful experience, though for some time hemorroid pain can be ignored but other hemorroid condition is really too painful to bear. Hemorroid surgery is then recommended to cut them away, but because of the incisions and stitches perform surgery to a highly sensitive area during hemorroid only few among who suffered from hemorroid chooses to be in such procedure.

So what is hemorroid then and why it bring to much pain in the affected area? Hemorroids are swollen, painful, itchy blood vessels in the lower rectum caused by increased blood pressure in rectal veins. As blood collects in the veins, the blood vessels swell, expanding in size until such vein can no longer hold its pressure thus resulting to the formation of hemorroids. This type of ailment is characterized by a number of symptoms, and the most troublesome of which is pain. In relation to this, hemorroid pain relief can be acquired through a change in the diet of a person and with the use of curative treatments. Pregnancy, obesity, constipation, diarrhea and long sitting spells can increase pressure. In most people however blood pressure rises because of constricted blood flow in the liver, where narrowed passageways bottleneck and raise pressure below.

Million of people suffer from this condition, so know that you are certainly not alone. Discuss the many treatment options with your doctor and find out how you can keep hemorroids in check.

So when it comes to the matter of how to deal with hemorroid flare-ups or what we called hemorroid pain, there are several basic options that you try. You can either choose to go with more conventional methods of hemorroid treatment, which would include prescription medications and medicines, or you can go the opposite route, and opt to use all natural or herbal products to treat your hemorroids.

But there is a good option to avoid hemorroid surgery though it is not very well known and recommended but it works great. Use beets and beet greens as a mayor part of your diet for as long as 30 days to detoxify the liver and relieve hemorroids. Beets are rich in folate, manganese and potassium, their fiber reduces constipation while the antioxidants help reduce inflammation in the liver and veins. Beets have a long history as a liver promoter and detoxifier the problem is that most of the time liver is not associated with hemorroids.

And there are also many all natural methods of hemorroid treatment that can be used to lessen hemorroid pain, including fiber, which is something that you most likely already use anyway. Typically everyone’s existing diet has at least a bit of fiber in it, and it is fiber which helps the body to produce soft, regular bowel movements. And there are plenty of things that you can do in order to include more fiber in your diet, namely including more whole grains and vegetables into your day. Just remember that the more fiber you consume, the more water you will have to drink, because otherwise your constipation problem and the other symptoms may actually worsen and giving you so much hemorroid pain.

Also start with breakfast and make sure that you have one packed with foods high in fiber. Some hemorroids suffers get themselves addicted to stool softeners because they are a quick fix. It would not be helpful for you to start down that road when you could be eating some healthy foods that have the same effect. Usually when people think of foods or cereals high in fibers they think about the fact that they may taste like tree bark or something horrible. However, you should take a trip down your local grocery store's cereal aisle and check the fiber content of some of them. You would be surprised how some of the better tasting foods can be high in fiber and help you heal your hemorroids and help lessen the hemorroid pain it brings.

As always it is important for you to keep up your water intake to keep you healthy. This is something else that will help your overall health and not just your hemorroid problem. And finally, there is exercise. If you find that you are basically living a sedentary lifestyle will little exercise you aren't expected to just sit up and start running marathons. Start small. Decide that 3 or 4 times per week you will take a 30 minute walk outside. You would be surprised how short of time it will take to have you feeling better. This will help you cure your hemorroids because your blood will be flowing better and you will get better circulation. Since hemorroids are just varicose veins they are caused by the poor circulation of blood in the rectal area. Anything that improves your blood circulation in general will improve your hemorroid problem as well.

However, most hemorroids can be treated with simple steps and most do not require surgery or other treatment unless the hemorroids are very large and painful. Here are some of the home remedies and hemorroid treatment that doctors generally prescribe to help lessen the hemorroid pain you experienced:

1. Sitting for long hours is not advisable. It is better to take breaks once in a while or walk for five minutes after every hour. If you must sit for a long time, sit on a pillow.
2. Apply petroleum jelly to make bowel movement less painful
3. Apply an over-the-counter cream. A 0.5 percent hydrocortisone cream to the skin. Do not scratch hemorroids because it will just make everything worse, causing the damaged veins and skin to become more irritated.
4. Do not scrub the anal area excessively, especially with soap, because it can intensify the irritation of your hemorroid and giving you so much pain.
5. Go to the toilet as soon as you feel the urge to do so. Waiting may cause constipation. Also, do not sit on the toilet for extended periods of time because can cause formation of hemorroids.
7. Make it a point to lie down and take a rest as often as you can. When one is standing or sitting, the intestines and vertical organs are pushed down and apply pressure on your rectal area.
8. Apply ice several times a day for 10 minutes at a time to your hemorroids. Follow this by placing a warm compress on the anal area for another 10 to 20 minutes.
9. Apply moist heat (such as warm, damp towels) several times a day to your hemorroid and this will give you relief to your hemorroid pain.
10. Take a sitz bath. Fill your bathtub with just enough warm water to cover the anal area. Do this several times a day, especially after you have had a bowel movement. Soak for about 15 minutes at a time. Be careful! If the water is too warm, it could burn you.
11. You may need a day or more of bed rest to take pressure off inflamed, irritated veins. If you are 3 to 6 months pregnant, you may find it helpful to lie on your side. If you are not pregnant, sleeping on your stomach with a pillow under your hips will help decrease swelling of hemorroids.
12. Avoid lifting heavy objects.
13. Wear cotton underwear to prevent moisture buildup, which can irritate hemorroids. Wear loose clothing to allow freedom of movement and to reduce pressure on the anal area.
14. Do not use a ring ("doughnut") cushion. It will restrict blood flow and may make your symptoms worse

Moreover, the goal of nonsurgical procedures used to treat hemorroids, called fixative procedures, is to reduce the blood supply to the hemorroid so it shrinks or goes away. The scar tissue left in its place helps support the anal tissue and helps prevent more hemorroids from developing. This fixative procedures are the most common conventional measures used to treat hemorroid pain, and these work by literally cutting off the blood flow to the hemorroids by using particular materials, such as lasers, heat, or rubber bands and chemical injection. These are:
  • Ligation - the rubber band treatment - works effectively on internal hemorroids that protrude with bowel movements. A small rubber band is placed over the hemorroid, cutting off its blood supply. The hemorroid and the band fall off in a few days and the wound usually heals in a week or two. This procedure sometimes produces mild discomfort and bleeding.
  • Injection can also be used on bleeding hemorroids that do not protrude. This method is relatively painless and cause the hemorroid to shrivel up.
Other hemorroid treatments include cryotherapy, BICAP coagulation and direct current. Cryotherapy, popular 20 years ago, consists of freezing piles tissue. It is not recommended for hemorroids because it is very painful. BICAP and direct current are methods that shrink the hemorroid. None of these treatments have gained widespread acceptance.

Hemorroid surgery is also often used to treat this condition, although this is one of the most serious measures that can be taken and thus you will have to discuss it with your doctor first, and get approved to go ahead with the procedure. This is what we called Hemorroidectomy (surgery to remove the hemorroids) is the best method for the permanent removal of hemorroids. It is necessary when clots repeatedly form in external hemorroids; ligation fails to treat internal hemorroids; the protruding hemorroid cannot be reduced; or there is persistent bleeding. A hemorroidectomy removes excessive tissue that causes the bleeding and protrusion. It is done under anesthesia and usually require hospitalization. Laser hemorroidectomies do not offer any advantage over standard operative techniques. They are also quite expensive, and contrary to popular belief, are no less painful.

And lastly, take note that the process of treating hemorroid pain is certainly not a fun one, but as long as you take the issue seriously and get yourself treatment as soon as possible, then you should be able to relieve yourself of the condition promptly. If you try several methods of treatment and have no success, then you will have to discuss with your doctor more serious options.